Q. I want to take this time to thank you as we wrap things up. You’re quite an intriguing person Brooklyn Monti.
A. Thank you, but I’m no different from anyone else. I only know my life will change drastically one day. It will be difficult for everyone. But we’re prepared to weather the storm when it happens.
Q. Why did you tell your story? What purpose do you want it to serve?
A. I wanted to give something to this world to whoever needs it, and that is hope. I especially want to give hope to those who suffer from this horrendous disease. They should know they are able and deserving to have a fulfilled life. Read the last sentence of the book, and it will sum up my thoughts in a pretty bow.
Q. Thank you for sharing your story. The world needs more hope. But, before we end the interview, I have a fun question. Since you and your friends love to drink wine, could you tell me how many
grapes it takes to make a standard bottle of wine. But you can’t google cheat.
A. 200. That’s the answer. 200.
Q. No hesitation with answering, and you got it right. How did you know that?
A. We’re wine connoisseurs. We know our stuff. (giggles)
Broken Petals is a story that explores the complexity of friendship, love, legacy, and death as a young woman dying to live ventures on a journey of self-discovery.