Q. I’m excited to have you both here at the same time. I'll throw a question out there, and you two decide who answers first. How did you feel when you learned of Brooklyn’s illness?
Lorraine: Elders first.
Tammy: Do you see how she does me? (huffs) When I first learned about Brooklyn’s illness, I went into protective mode—exactly what she hates.
Lorraine: Me too, but Brooklyn is a strong person. She hates when people treat her like a patient.
Q. I admire the friendship you all have cultivated. What are the three most important things that make your friendship what it is?
Lorraine: For me, its honesty, vulnerability, and respect.
Tammy: Ooh, those are good. I’d say having a safe space to express yourself, apologizing when we’re wrong, and compassion.
Q. I'm taking notes. You guys have a 90's kind of friendship. But, Tammy,
I have to ask. Was the laxative story true?
Tammy: I can’t believe Brooklyn told that story to the world. My friends don’t know how to hold water. But, yes, it happened. It’s an old trick I learned a long time ago. But I don’t do it anymore.
Lorraine: After what you almost did, I’m sure you don’t. (laughs)
You two are hilarious. Somehow, someway I’ve got to get into this friendship group. Thank you for being here.
Broken Petals is a story that explores the complexity of friendship, love, legacy, and death as a young woman dying to live ventures on a journey of self-discovery.